List of Ultra Seven monsters

This is a list of the fictional aliens and monsters from the 1967-1968 tokusatsu television series Ultra Seven.


Alien Cool

First Appearance: Episode 1, The Invisible Challenger (October 1st, 1967)

TNT Title: Enter Dan Moroboshi

Height: 2 meters / Weight: 75 kg

The first villain of the series, Cool Alien collects human specimens using a vaporizing / teleportation ray from his invisible spaceships. And commences attacks on an industrial area; all apart of an attempt to cause the TDF (Terrestrial Defense Forces) into unconditional surrender.

With Dan Moroboshi's advice, the TDF are able to create a spray device that makes the spaceships visible. Leading Dan to become his true form of Ultraseven, to rescue the human prisoners and defeat the alien in the process, by loping off the top-portion of his head with his Eye Slugger weapon.

Cool Seijin can emit a paralyzing gas from his tail, and his character subtitle is Space Hunter. In the Turner Network Television dubbed version, his name was Emperor of Zundar.


Alien Waiell

First Appearance: Episode 2, The Green Fear AKA The Green Terror (October 8, 1967)

TNT Title: Shrubs From Space

Height: 1.8-to-150 meters / Weight: 100 kg-to-13,000 tons

An alien plant covered with countless thorns, Waiell uses two extraterrestrial Tilsonite 808 rocks to disguised himself as Ishiguro, a crew member of Space Station V3 who has just returned to Earth. In the cover of night, Waiell reverts to his true form and begins attacking humans by sending blood-sucking tentacles down the streets. In turn, the victims become Waiell-type monsters themselves, and spread the vampire-like epidemic across the city.

When his Tilsonite 808 rocks are destroyed (revealing them to house alien machinery and the real Ishiguro within), Waiell's cover is blown, which then forces him to go through a gruesome transformation while on a train in the middle of a tunnel. He then takes on giant size and battles Ultraseven until he's cut straight in half by his Eye Slugger.

Alien Waiell's character subtitle is Plant Space-Person, and in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, he and his brethren were called Violim Shrubs.


Alien Pitt


Alien Godola

Alien Villa

First Appearance: Episode 9, Time Erased (October 29th, 1967)

Height: 1.8-to-40 meters / Weight: 100 kg-to-10,000 tons

Alien Pegassa

Alien Quraso

First Appearance: Episode 7, Alien Prisoner 303 (November 12th, 1967)

Height: 2.5-to-43 meters / Weight: 250 kg-to-10,000 tons

Alien Metron

Alien Chibull

First Appearance: Episode 9, The Android Zero Directive (November 26, 1967)

TNT Title: Toys In Crisis

Height: 2 meters / Weight: 500 kg

Android Maiden "Zero-One"

First Appearance: Episode 9, The Android Zero Directive (November 26, 1967)

TNT Title: Toys In Crisis

Height: 2 meters / Weight: 90 kg

Constructed by Chibull, this attractive female android is normally a mannequin, but can become a 'real' woman at her master's command. Can discharge jolts of electricity from her hands like a deadly joy buzzer, or from her finger tips like laser beams. And is powerful enough to overtake strongman Furuhashi of the Ultra Garrison team.

Her directive was to kill the meddlesome Dan Moroboshi / Ultraseven, but is destroyed herself when the alien superhero (at human height) shoots his Emerium Beam right into her forehead.

In the Turner Network Television dubbed version, she is comically named Android Barbie, most likely due to her blond hair and overall doll-like appearance.

Alien Icarus

Alien Wild

First Appearance: Episode 11, Fly to the Mountain of Evil (December 10, 1967).

TNT Title: Captured in Living Color

Height: 2.2 meters / Weight: 150 kg

A gray fur covered humanoid (done with simplistic effects make-up and a fur suit), Alien Wild came to Earth to save his people, who are dying of old age, by using a camera that can entrap life forces on film, while leaving the victims' physical bodies in a deathly state. Alien Wild can fire a stun ray from his antenna, and uses mind-control, as he did on Ultra Garrison member Soga, in an attempt to recover his camera.

His bodyguard was the robotic Space Dragon Nurse, but could do little for his master when Alien Wild was shot dead and burst into flames by Soga, after regaining his mind. Alien Wild's character subtitle is Space Barbarian.


Alien Spell

First Appearance: Episode 12, From Another Planet With Love (December 17th, 1967)

TNT Title: Crystallized Corpuscles

Height: Unknown / Weight: Unknown

Alien Ayros

First Appearance: Episode 13, The Man Come from V3 (December 24, 1967)

TNT Title: Space Ace Reunion

Height: 30 meters / Weight: 13,000 tons

A rather unreasonable alien, who after breaching the orbital line of defense, crash-lands on Earth and takes Ultra Garrison members Furuhashi and Amagi hostage, demanding fuel in exchange for their release (but not before trying to steal fuel using two duplicates of the human captives).

Ayros can shoot white-fire balls from its mouth, and can spin at such a rapid speed that it effectively repels Ultraeven's Eye Slugger. His character subtitle is Space Bird-Person.

Furuhashi & Amagi Duplicates

First Appearance: Episode 13, The Man Come from V3 (December 24, 1967)

TNT Title: Space Ace Reunion

Artificially created duplicates / clones of the two captured Ultra Garrison members created by Ayros in an attempt to infiltrate the TDF base for fuel. When their true nature is discovered, the two duplicates are destroyed, while the real Furuhashi and Amagi are later freed from Ayros's spaceship.

King Joe

Alien Pedan


First Appearance: Episode 16, The Eyes That Shine In The Darkness (January 21st, 1968)

TNT Title: The Eyes Have Had It!

Height: 30 meters / Weight: 15,000 tons


First Appearance: Episode 17, Underground Go! Go! Go! (January 28, 1968)

TNT Title: Cave In!

Height: 2.8 meters / Weight: 2 tons

A mysterious race of robots who dwell in a ultra-modern underground city, of whom the Ultra Garrison accidentally stumbled upon, during a rescue operation with their burrowing vehicle, the Magmariser. The U-Toms' right arm is a strong beam gun, while their left arm is a hammer-like device. And speak in a fast-paced twitter. Each individual are marked with different insignias upon their chest area (Tsuburaya Productions' attempt to create the illusion that there were many U-Toms, using only the one suit).

Although the exact origin and purpose of the U-Tom is never revealed, they prove to be hostile against the intruding humans. And thus the Ultra Garrison plant explosives to cause a cave-in, and forever entombed both the robots and their amazing city.

The U-Toms' character subtitle is Underground Robot, and an alternative version of their name is Yuhtom.

Alien Bell

First Appearance: Episode 18, Escape Space X (February 2, 1968)

TNT Title: The Bells Are Ringing

Height: 60 meters / Weight: 18,000 tons

A cicada-like being with a humanoid shape, Alien Bell had created a quasi-space / dimension of the episode's title, high in the Earth's atmosphere to ambush prey, of which Amagi and Soga became trapped while practicing skydiving maneuvers. In addition to its unexplained ability to create false worlds, Bell can confuses human brainwaves with a piercing bell-like sound. The quasi-space disappeared with the defeat of Alien Bell.

Bell's character subtitle is Sound-Wave Monster-Person, and his name in the Turner Network Television version was Gigee.


First Appearance: Episode 18, Escape Space X (February 2, 1968)

TNT Title: The Bells Are Ringing

Height: 3 meters / Weight: 20 kg

An oversized, spider-like creature created by Alien Bell that lives in a quasi-space / dimension of the episode's title. Hides in the grass and stuns victims by spraying them with a blue gas, from what appears to be three nostrils above its mouth. Gumonga was done as a large marionette (similar to the one used for another fictional Japanese arachnid, Kumonga from Son of Godzilla), and his character subtitle is Space-Spider.

The Space Plants & Ticks Of The False Space

First Appearance: Episode 18, Escape Space X (February 2, 1968)

TNT Title: The Bells Are Ringing

Other inhabitants and creations of Alien Bell's quasi-space, with the former being long, flat, dark colored vines which sprouts from bushes to briefly ensnare Amagi and Soga. While the latter, are nasty, bloodthirsty bugs that appear to be larger then deer ticks. And as such, leap onto their victims from places high above.

The two species likely disappeared into nothingness upon Bell's defeat.

The Space Plants have also been mistaken for the Suflan, huge carnivorous prehistoric flora which appeared twice in the preceding series Ultraman, but other then the similar appearance and / or the possibility of being the same prop on its last legs, the two monsters are unrelated character wise.

Alien Bado

First Appearance: Episode 19, Project Blue (February 11th, 1968)

TNT Title: Wayne, Lord of the Universe

Height: 2-to-40 meters / Weight: 80 kg-to-50,000 tons

Alien Shaplay

First Appearance: Episode 20, Destroy Earthquake Epicenter X (February 18th, 1968)

TNT Title: The Quakemaker


First Appearance: Episode 20, Destroy Earthquake Epicenter X (February 18th, 1968)

TNT Title: The Quakemaker

Height: 65 meters / Weight: 16,000 tons

Iron Rocks

First Appearance: Episode 21, Pursue the Sea-Bottom Base (February 25th, 1968)

TNT Title: The "Nissan's" Return Engagement

Height: 80 meters / Weight: 15,000 tons

Created by Mimy aliens using parts from various sunken World War II battleships, the robotic Iron Rocks was used in a series of successive sea attacks near Norther Kyūshū. Having a strong resemblance to the real life Japanese battleship Yamato, Iron Rocks can shoot fourth chains for grappling onto opponents, and also contains a powerful time bomb set to explode five minutes after inactivity. The Mimy can project their voice through the machine as well.

In the Turner Network Television dubbed version, Iron Rocks was renamed Battleship Nissan, and was comically given a smarmy, arrogant voice and attitude during its final fight with Ultra Seven. Although this could be the Mimy again speaking through their creation, the detail is never made clear.

Iron Rock's character subtitle is Warship Robot.

Alien Mimy

First Appearance: Episode 21, Pursue the Sea-Bottom Base (February 25th, 1968)

TNT Title: The "Nissan's" Return Engagement

Height: 80 cm meters / Weight: 125 kg

Despite the listed data above, the Mimy themselves are never seen in the episode, outside their starfish-shaped spaceship and speaking voice projected through their robot, Iron Rocks. Their exact motives for the attacks are also a mystery, though it may have had to do with undermining the Terrestrial Defense Forces' oceanic bases and related operations. The Mimy, while in their spacecraft, are destroyed by the Ultra Garrison's own aquatic vehicle, the submarine Hydranger.

An alternate spelling for their name is Mimih, while the character subtitle is Space Sea-Bottom Person.

Alien Buraco

First Appearance: Episode 22, The Human Farm (March 3, 1968)

TNT Title: The Chromosome Eaters

Height: 2 meters / Weight: 170 kg

The Buraco Aliens's character subtitle is Space Monster-Person and in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, they were humorously renamed Mysogonists.

Alien Shadow

First Appearance: Episode 23, Search For Tomorrow (March 10, 1968)

TNT Title: The Fugitive Fortuneteller

Height: 2 meters / Weight: 70 kg

The Shadow Aliens' character subtitle is Space Guerilla and in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, their names are shortened to Shadows.


First Appearance: Episode 23, Search For Tomorrow (March 10, 1968)

TNT Title: The Fugitive Fortuneteller

Height: 48 meters / Weight: 30,000 tons

Gabura's character subtitle is Fatal-Poison Monster and in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, the beast was simply, if not oddly referred to as 'The Bionic Defense Systems', suggesting it to be a full-fledged cyborg in that version. An alternate version of Gabura's name is Gubilla.

Alien Cannan

First Appearance: Episode 24, Return to the North! (March 17, 1968)

TNT Title: Mother Knows Best

Height: 1.8 meters / Weight: 62 kg

The Cannan's character subtitle is Aurora Monster-Person and an alternate version of their name is Kanan.


First Appearance: Episode 25, Battle at -140 Degrees (March 24th, 1968)

TNT Title: Ultra-7 Exposed

Height: 45 meters / Weight: 20,000 tons

A bipedal monster with short triangular wings, sharp teeth, and a snail-like head, Gandar was used by the Poll Aliens to weaken TDF headquarters with a freeze beam shot from its mouth. Dan / Ultraseven sent fourth his Capsule Monster Miclas to battle the cold beast, but Miclas was soon overpowered by the formidable adversary. It is only after Ultraseven is able to energizes himself using solar rays in Earth's upper atmosphere, is Gandar finally killed after being sliced to pieces with the Eye Slugger.

Gandar's obvious character subtitle is Freezing Monster and an alternate version of his name is Gander.

Alien Poll

First Appearance: Episode 25, Battle at -140 Degrees (March 24th, 1968)

TNT Title: Ultra-7 Exposed

Height: 33 cm / Weight: 1 kg

The Poll Aliens' character subtitle is Dwarf Space-Person and an were renamed the Dagenhan Aliens, in the Turner Network Television dubbed version. The Poll would make further appearances, via stock footage and new comical dubbing, as the recurring Hot Dog Men of the 1995 series Cartoon Planet.

Starbem Gyeron

First Appearance: Episode 26, Super Weapon R1 (March 31, 1968)

TNT Title: The 8,000 Megaton Mistake

Height: 50 meters / Weight: 35,000 tons

Starbem Gyeron's character subtitle is Revive Monster Planet-Beast, and an alternate spelling of his name in Gieron.

Alien Borg

First Appearance: Episode 27, Cyborg Mission (April 7th, 1968)

TNT Title: Temporary Traitor

Height: 2 -to- 40 meters / Weight: 180 kg -to- 26,000 tons

The Borg's character subtitle is Armor Space-Person.


First Appearance: Episode 28, Drive Swiftly Along 700 Kilometers! (April 14th, 1968)

TNT Title: Death on Wheels

Alien Kill

First Appearance: Episode 28, Drive Swiftly Along 700 Kilometers! (April 14th, 1968)

TNT Title: Death on Wheels

Height and Weight: similar to those of regular humans.

In the Turner Network Television dubbed version, the Kill Aliens were referred to in the dialog as "The Unidentified Saboteurs… from Space!". And in a comical, almost Monty Python-style fashion, with one character starting the phrase, and another one completing the "...From Space!" half.

And in an attempt to also lessen their violence further in the TNT cut, one of the Kill Aliens who is killed in an explosion, is called a "Robot Suicide Bomb"; giving the impression that the Kill either employ androids, or aren't truly organic themselves.

Alien Prote

First Appearance: Episode 29, The Lonely Earthling (April 21st, 1968)

TNT Title: The Apprentice Alien

Height: 1.7 -to- 46 meters / Weight: 100 kg -to- 12,000 tons

Prote's character subtitle is Space Spy, and his entire race was called Anteron in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, with Professor Niwa's individual alien name being that of Kirk.

Alien Platic

First Appearance: Episode 30, Glory Is For Whom? (April 28th, 1968)

TNT Title: Trial by War

Height: 2-to-40 meters / Weight: 50 kg -to- 15,000 tons

Alien Platic's character subtitle is Plastic Monster-Man, and an alternate version of its name is Plachiku.


First Appearance: Episode 31, The Flower Where Evil Lives (May 5th, 1968)

TNT Title: Blood Thirst

Height: 1 mm / Weight: 0.1 g

A microscopic alien germ that feasts on the component of blood cells, Dallie (AKA Darii) hid in a field of flowers in order to find a human victim. A teenage girl named Kaori becomes it, when she playfully kisses a flower petal that housed Dallie, who then takes up residence within her lungs. Kaori's blood suffers a major drop in her platelet levels, and furthermore, she becomes a vampire by night under Dallie's influence.

Ultraseven shrinks to a microscopic size and enters Kaori's body in order to destroy the parasite, and thus save her in the process. Ultimately he succeeds against Dallie with a cleaver combination of his own abilities, and the aid of Kaori's own antibodies (portrayed by soap bubbles blown from off camera).

Dallie's character subtitle is Space Germ, and was called Antroxin 90 in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, as if the tiny intruder was an already known species to Earthly medical science. Despite the fact that Dallie is a germ, related advertising and spin-off artwork of the day featured a truly gigantic version of the character, rampaging alongside other more traditional Ultra Monsters.



First Appearance: Episode 32, The Strolling Planet (May 12, 1968)

TNT Title: Island in the Sky

Height: 60 meters / Weight: 45,000 tons

Rigger's character subtitle is Mechanism Monster and an alternate version of its name is Riggah.

Shadow Men

First Appearance: Episode 33, The Invading Dead (May 19, 1968)

TNT Title: The Dead Invaders

Nine reanimated human corpses all dressed in black, they were controlled by the will-power of the Uley aliens, so that they could infiltrate TDF headquarters and steal microfilm containing information on other bases. The Shadow Men can become pure shadows or other apparitional states to avoid detection. And can summon a size-shrinking fog against their opponents, which they used to put Ultraseven under a glass cup. With the later destruction of their alien masters, the Shadow Men return to just being immobile cadavers.

One of the rare instances in the Ultra Series where the enemy monster is NOT a man in a rubber suit, their character subtitle and Japanese name were Resucitated Monster-Person Shadowman.

Alien Uley

First Appearance: Episode 33, The Invading Dead (May 19, 1968)

TNT Title: The Dead Invaders


First Appearance: Episode 34, Evaporation City (May 26th, 1968)

TNT Title: Urban Removal

Height: 40 meters / Weight: 15,000 tons

Dancan was a formless mass of white bubbles that could assume any shape and related mass. Including that of a human, and its more remembered guise of a gigantic, blue-colored, spiky creature with an Ankylosaurus-like appearance, which could also roll up into a spiked ball for attacking. As its natural state, Dancan had the ability to envelope buildings, making them disappear, and later relocating them elsewhere, taking along any humans within.

The alien sends a telepathic message to the Ultra Garrison, via a psychic medium, to inform them that it wishes to use the buildings as part of a temporary residence during its visit. However, Dancan's request is laced with hostilities, as it plans to use the captured humans as hostages to assure its solitude. And later still, it briefly takes control of Ultraseven himself, using the alien superhero as a dangerous sentry to its make-shift city of stolen buildings.

With the help of the Ultra Garrison, Ultraseven breaks free from Dancan's control, who then retaliates by transforming into its giant monster form, for one last battle. Ultraseven eventually defeats Dancan, who reverts back into its true state, before dying and turning into dust, which is then taken by a gust of wind.

Dancan is also known by its character subtitle of the Foam Monster.


First Appearance: Episode 35, Shudder on the Moon (June 2, 1968)

TNT Title: Moon-Struck!

Height: 60 meters / Weight: 70,000 tons

Petero character subtitle is Moon Monster and in the Turner Network Television dubbed version, it was renamed as the Zamppa Bogtrotter.

Alien Zamppa

First Appearance: Episode 35, Shudder on the Moon (June 2, 1968)

TNT Title: Moon-Struck!

Height: 1.9 meters / Weight: 60 kg

Alien Zamppa's character subtitle is Revenge Monster-Man and an alternate version of his name is Zanpa.

Alien Pega

Alien Magellan Maya

Alien Banda


Alien Guts



Alien Tepeto



Robot Commander

Robots of the Fourth Planet

People of the Fourth Planet

Alien Goron


Alien Perolynga

The Imit-Ultraseven

Alien Salome

Alien Hook



Alien Ghose

Height:2 meters / Weight:70 kg

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